I did try your code sample, which seemed to work in combination with the LazyReasourceManager. As I say, though, timing issues were causing this to fail occasionally, which would only increase as I add more DUTs and TestSteps.
The specific problem is that my instrument resources need to be shared by all 20 DUTs, and at some point, one of the runs will shut down the underlying connections to the instruments.
I suspect that something could be done with a custom resource manager, but I’m not really familiar with the framework yet, so I don’t fancy tackling that right now. The workaround of keeping a count of open connections inside the instrument seems to be doing the job for now, though it does require not using the ComponentSettingsOverlay. Obviously, having the behaviour only work with a specific configuration is far from ideal. Still, it’ll get me going and hopefully, I can come up with something better in the future.