Hello, I am currently trying to allow my custom Python Test Step to have child steps. This is the code:
@attribute(OpenTap.Display("If", "Will run its child steps if the two fields are equal", "Custom"))
class IfStep(TestStep):
Value1 = property(String, None)\
.add_attribute(Display("Equals", "", "Parameters"))
Value2 = property(Input[String], None)\
.add_attribute(Display("If", "", "Parameters"))
def __init__(self):
self.Value2 = Input[String]()
self.AllowAnyChild = True
def Run(self):
Even though I have set the AllowAnyChild attribute to True, within OpenTAP I am not able to add child steps to this step. Here is what OpenTAP looks like on my end:
How do I add child steps to a custom-built Test Step?