Call Order of Added Mixins


I add multiple mixins to a test step and I want the Mixin #2 to be always called first. Is there a way to achieve this?

I can’t add mixins in order because I add Mixin #1 to show a boolean property under the mixin’s properties. Then, add another mixin, which is the Mixin #2, to that boolean property. In this case Mixin #1 is called first and it does not get the updated value from Mixin #2 because it is executed after Mixin #1.

Hi @btyilmaz, currently there is no way of controlling the order of the mixin execution, although I don’t think it would be a huge issue to add it using some attributes.

To things to consider is that Prestep/PostStep mixin order might have to be reversed relative to eachother.

Anyway, I suggest you add an issue on Issues · opentap/opentap · GitHub.

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Thank you @rolf_madsen ,

I created a new issue #1820