Changing instrument parameters


I’m writing a simple Gui to interact with OpenTap. One of items is to read and change some parameters in registered instruments
First I call

instrumentList = InstrumentSettings.Current.ToList();

to obtain a list of registered instruments. Then I load parameters of an instrument with

instrument = instrumentList[1]
var annotations = AnnotationCollection.Annotate(instrument);
var members = annotations?.Get<IMembersAnnotation>()?.Members.ToList();

First member is “Address”.
In source file I read that VisaAddress has two attributes:

        [Display("Address", Groups: new []{"VISA"}, Order: 1, Description: "The VISA address of the instrument e.g. 'TCPIP::' or 'GPIB::14::INSTR'")]
        public string VisaAddress { get; set; }

My question is:
how to obtain a list of available Visa Adresses to change actual address. I think that solution is to query [VisaAddress] Attribute, but I don’t understand how.

Thank in advance for answer.

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Please try the below code,

var members = annotation.Get<IMembersAnnotation>()?.Members.ToList();
            foreach (var item in members)
                bool isVisa = item.Get<IMemberAnnotation>()?.Member.HasAttribute<VisaAddressAttribute>() ?? false;
                if (isVisa)
                    item.Get<IMemberAnnotation>()?.Member.SetValue(item.Source, "");

thanks for answer, but in this case I would set address with
I need to fill a combo box with all available Visa addresses, and then choose one of them


Hi Ralph,

I understand like , you have multiple properties in Instrument class with [VisaAttribute]

    public string VisaAddress { get; set; }

    public string VisaAddress1 { get; set; }

    public string VisaAddress2 { get; set; }

and you need to display all VisaAddress 's in a Combo box,
While selecting the combo box you need to set the selected value to actual address(VisaAddress )?
Is this your use case?

             var instrumentList = InstrumentSettings.Current.ToList();
            var instrument = instrumentList[0];
            var annotations = AnnotationCollection.Annotate(instrument);

            // Combobox to display in the UI.
            List<string> comboboxVisaAddress = new List<string>();

            // To hold Actual Visa Address
            KeyValuePair<object, IMemberData> orgAddressObject = new KeyValuePair<object, IMemberData>();

            var members = annotations.Get<IMembersAnnotation>()?.Members.ToList();
            if (members != null)
                foreach (var item in members)
                    bool isVisa = item.Get<IMemberAnnotation>()?.Member.HasAttribute<VisaAddressAttribute>() ?? false;
                    if (isVisa)
                        var visaMemeber = item.Get<IMemberAnnotation>()?.Member;
                        if (visaMemeber.Name == "VisaAddress")
                            orgAddressObject = new KeyValuePair<object, IMemberData>(item.Source, item.Get<IMemberAnnotation>()?.Member);


                // While Selecting Comobobox, Set Selected value to Actual Address.
                if (orgAddressObject.Key != null)
                {                                                          // Selelcted Combobox Value
                    orgAddressObject.Value.SetValue(orgAddressObject.Key, comboboxVisaAddress.FirstOrDefault());
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it’s a little bit different. My target is to assign to an instrument one of the available visa address, find in the system
Looking in the source code I wrote this code to scan visa address in the system

IEnumerable<AnnotationCollection> suggestedValues = null;
var suggestedValuesList = new List<string>();
    bool isVisa = member.Get<IMemberAnnotation>()?.Member.HasAttribute<VisaAddressAttribute>() ?? false;
    if (isVisa)
        suggestedValues = member.Get<ISuggestedValuesAnnotationProxy>()?.SuggestedValues;
        foreach (var item in suggestedValues)
catch { }

What do you think about?
And now, how I catch the type of SCPI instrument? I’m reading this part of XML

  <Keysight34465A type="MyDriver.Instruments.Keysight34465A" Source="">

and I want capture “type” “MyDriver.Instruments.Keysight34465A” or directly instrument Keysight34465A


I think you can cast to ScpiInstrument and set value accordingly.

var instrument = instrumentList[0] as ScpiInstrument;

Or you can try reflection

         var instrument = instrumentList[0];
            if (instrument != null)
                var visaProperty = instrument.GetType().GetProperty("VisaAddress");
                var visaValue = visaProperty.GetValue(instrument);
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