End Event in OpenTap

Hi, is there any way to have a end event or abort event declared in opentap, that whether test fails or pass it should always do that. For example- we have a testplan and we want an event to run , like power off radio or collect log, every time it ends/failes/abort/pass. Is there any type /function class declared in open tap to be able to do so.
Please advise.



You can either use a result listener plugin or implement ITestPlanRunMonitor interface according to your needs.

Another thing you can consider using is DUT and Instrument plugins’ Open() and Close() methods.


Thanks for your reply ! I want to use it for my app developed in c#. Is there any example dll i can refer to know how to implement ITestPlanRunMonitor?

You can create a class like this:

public class RunMonitor : ComponentSettings<RunMonitor>, ITestPlanRunMonitor
    // After test plan run is started
    public void EnterTestPlanRun(TestPlanRun plan)
    // After test plan run is finished
    public void ExitTestPlanRun(TestPlanRun plan)


To implement ITestPlanRunMonitor you must also inherit from the ComponenetSettings class. When you create a class like this, OpenTAP will automatically create an instance of it and methods inside the class will be called when you run a test plan.


Thanks for your advise. I tried this but can you advise why Iam not able to use Log.Info/Log.Error/Log.Warning inside ExitTestPlanRun function?

Log.Error/Log.Warning are extensions methods for TraceSource. To use them, do like this:

   static readonly TraceSource log = Log.CreateSource("run-monitor");   

    public void EnterTestPlanRun(TestPlanRun run){
     log.Info("EnterTestPlanRun invoked");