Is there a way to create a rule for an “Input” property, that verifies a selection has been made (property != None)?
@JMAnalog Welcome to the community! If you are specifically looking to check for != None that is already handled. If you want do something else, you can use the Rules system. For example:
public Input<double> InputValue { get; set; }
public HandleInput()
InputValue = new Input<double>();
Rules.Add(CheckForEmpty, "Value Can't be None", "InputValue");
private bool CheckForEmpty()
if (InputValue.Value <= 0.0)
return false;
else return true;
You can find general examples of creating Rules here:
Thanks for the response. I can see that a reasonable exception is thrown when attempting to reference the unassigned input (“Step input requires reference to a TestStep output.”), however I would prefer to have a rule violation flag displayed if the user forgets to make a selection.
To add more detail, I would like the following code to display a rule violation flag for the unspecified property, as it does when “Must Be True” = false.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using OpenTap; // Use OpenTAP infrastructure/core components (log,TestStep definition, etc)
using System.Drawing;
namespace Experiment
[Display("Output Values", Groups: new[] { "Experiment" }, Order: 1)]
public class TestStep_Experiment1 : TestStep
[Display("int[] Output", Group: "Output", Order: 1)]
public int[] IntArrayOutput { get; set; }
public TestStep_Experiment1()
public override void Run()
[Display("Input Values", Groups: new[] { "Experiment" }, Order: 2)]
public class TestStep_Experiment2 : TestStep
[Display("Input", Group: "Input", Order: 1)]
public Input intArrayInput { get; set; } = new Input();
[Display("Must Be True", Group: "Input", Order: 2)]
public bool mustBeTrue { get; set; }
public bool CheckMustBeTrue()
return mustBeTrue;
public TestStep_Experiment2()
Rules.Add(CheckMustBeTrue, "\"Must Be True\" can't be false!", "mustBeTrue");
intArrayInput = new Input();
mustBeTrue = false;
public override void Run()
It seems you may have identified a bug. If you create any Rule on the property, then you will get the visual warning, so you could use the above to force this. I will submit an issue on our side.
Note a few things:
- When you define an Input, you need to include the type, so in our case Input<Int>
- As of 9.10, you only need to use the Input<> type if the value can ONLY be set from an input and you want to restrict it:
OpenTAP 9.10 – Release Highlights – OpenTAP News