Currently we are using Keysight32 bit installation. Heard that soon Keysight ending support of 32bit and need to move to 64bit. We are analyzing the impact on this.
Our Application, Assemblies are built with target platform as 32bit and will be running in 64bit Windows OS and 64bit processor. Also we reference open source dlls and nuget packages.
When we use 64bit keysight software, then our application won’t work. I hope this is general problem of any client using keysight software.
Do we have any recommendation or solution for this problem?
Or we need to migrate all our application , assemblies and reference dlls to 64 bit ?
Need to change our application’s Target platform to x64 or Any CPU?
Need to reference open source dlls and nuget packages from 64bit version?
Kindly provide your input on this. If needed let us have call on this.
WSAudiology, Singapore
Migrating is not usually hard, if your dependencies support it. I would recommend changing the target to x64 then doing a build, to see what “just works” and what breaks. Once you have identified the breakers, you can go search for those dependencies and ensure they have 64-bit versions, or if they need to be swapped out (most libraries have a 64-bit version by now).
Thanks Alan.
Setting target to Any CPU will not help instead of x64?
In a lot of cases AnyCPU will default to x86 if it exists. That might be good from a compatibility standpoint, but it really won’t tell you what parts of your software doesn’t support x64, which is your main investigation task at this point.
Great thanks Alan for your input.
Hi Alan,
We are using dlls from different 3rd party open source and other team dlls in the organization. What if 64bit version of few open source dll’s are not available? also other team is not ready to migrate to 64bit.
In this case, We can not migrate Keysight to 64bit?
What is the alternative way to use 64-bit Keysight?