PlanLoadException in OpenTap 9.24 with Unassigned Instruments

We have two versions of our software: one uses OpenTap version 9.13 and the other uses 9.24. In our test plan, we have steps that use instruments. In OpenTap version 9.13, I can open the test plan even if the instrument is not available, allowing customers to open the test plan and reassign the instruments between testers. However, in version 9.24, it throws a PlanLoadException if the instrument is not created or assigned, preventing me from opening the test plan. Is there any workaround for this? I need to be able to open the test plan even if the instrument is unassigned or not created.

OpenTap.TestPlan+PlanLoadException: XML Line 473: Missing ‘AP1200A’ used by ‘Close AP1200A Instrument.AP1200A’
XML Line 2206: Unable to read element ‘EnableListener’. The property does not exist.
at OpenTap.TestPlan.Load(Stream stream, String path, Boolean cacheXml, TapSerializer serializer, Boolean IgnoreLoadErrors)
at OpenTap.TestPlan.Load(Stream stream, String path, Boolean cacheXml, TapSerializer serializer)
at OpenTap.TestPlan.Load(String filePath, Boolean cacheXml)
at OpenTap.TestPlan.Load(String filePath)
at TestPlanHelper.LoadTestPlanFromFile(String fileName)