Is there an example of using a python instrument in a c# test step?
Currently I am integrating urjtag into my testplan in order to do some simple boundry scan testing.
urjtag already has python bindings, so I created a JTAG instrument to expose the urjtag API through its existing python bindings.
I am able to use this instrument fine from within python, but was hoping to be able to also make use of the instrument from c# steps. Is this currently practical or will I just need to keep the JTAG steps in python as well?
It’s really not a problem either way. I don’t mind having the associated test steps in python but wondered if it would be possible to mix instruments and steps this way.
Hi @wittrock,
This is definitely possible! Maybe you will find the best example if you use the project template in the python plugin.
tap python new-project --project-name TestModule --directory .
It contains a C# project with an interface, and your Python code can implement that interface. C# code can use that interface directly, and call into python that way.
1. Define the C# interface
public interface PythonInstrument : IInstrument
double DoMeasurement();
2. Implement the interface in Python
from TestModule.Api import PythonInstrument
@attribute(OpenTap.Display("Test Instrument", "This class implements a shared Python API.", "TestModule"))
class TestInstrument(Instrument, PythonInstrument):
def __init__(self):
"Set up the properties, methods and default values of the instrument."
super(TestInstrument, self).__init__() # The base class initializer must be invoked.
self.count = 0
#implement the DoMeasurement method required by ITestApi1.
def DoMeasurement(self):
"""Example of a measurement method."""
return 1.0
3. Use the interface from C#
[Display("Step using instrument API", Group: "Example")]
public class StepUsingInstrumentApi : TestStep
// this instrument is implemented in Python
public PythonInstrument Instrument { get; set; }
public override void Run()
var measurement = Instrument.DoMeasurement();
Results.Publish("Measurement", new List<string>{"X"}, measurement);
Log.Info("Measured: {0}", measurement);
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Thanks @rolf_madsen ,
Yes, this works great!
I should have looked at the generated template instead of just the Python examples.
Treating the JTAG interface as an instrument works well.