Using FilePathAttribute.BehaviorChoice.Save in Python


In Python, this works without problem to mark that a property must be an existing file path:

prop.AddAttribute(FilePathAttribute, FilePathAttribute.BehaviorChoice.Open, "sqlite")

However, when chaning it to Save to be able to select a non-existing path (to write data to):

prop.AddAttribute(FilePathAttribute, FilePathAttribute.BehaviorChoice.Save, "sqlite")

one get’s the following error:

00:00:05.766 : Python        : Information : Argument 1: cannot convert from 'int' to 'OpenTap.FilePathAttribute.BehaviorChoice'

How do I solve this?


Sounds like a bug, maybe just report it in GitLab?

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I am also seeing this same error in the EditorX linux version

I can verify the issue. Will try to make a 2.4.1 release with a fix.

Issue: Attribute Enum values not always supported. (#63) · Issues · OpenTAP / Plugins / python · GitLab

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I am seeing this error as well, and I also see that there’s a fix that hasn’t been merged yet (thanks @rolf_madsen!) . Looks like 2.4.1 will include it. Any idea what the timeline for 2.4.1 release is?

Hi all, sorry for not keeping attention to this.

I have created a beta release of version 2.4.1, if somebody would like to test it to see if it fixes their issues it would be helpful towards releasing it.

Hi @rolf_madsen, I lost track of this, but I installed the beta version and it solves the problem I was seeing.

I still need to solve the relative vs absolute file path issue from this post.

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Ok, that’s good. I might go ahead and make a release out of it then.

Replying separately on the other issue.