Full disclosure… This is my first OpenTAP plugin so I could be making a few rookie mistakes here, but Im having trouble getting my DUT plugin to load. I was able to get a mostly blank DUT template plugin to work, but now I’m trying to include some Windows specific API and compiling against “net6.0-windows10.0.18362”. This is where things seemed to break.
Here is the error logs im getting from the editor when I try to load my plugin.
16:47:20.631 PluginManager Unable to load type 'FirstProject.xxxxx' from 'c:\Program Files\OpenTAP\Packages\FirstProject\FirstProject.dll'. Reason: 'Could not load file or assembly 'System.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.'.
16:47:20.631 PluginManager FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
16:47:20.631 PluginManager at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetType(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
16:47:20.631 PluginManager at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetType(String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase)
16:47:20.631 PluginManager at OpenTap.TypeData.Load()
16:47:20.641 PluginManager Exception caught at:
16:47:20.641 PluginManager at System.Type GetInnerType(OpenTap.ITypeData)
16:47:20.641 PluginManager at Void set_Type(OpenTap.ITypeData)
16:47:20.641 PluginManager at StepTree a(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[OpenTap.ITypeData])
16:47:20.641 PluginManager at Void .ctor(System.Type)
Im building a plugin that uses windows APIs and compiles with the following csproj.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk" ToolsVersion="Current">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">
<PackageReference Include="<Custom nuget with windows API calls>" Version="xxx" />
<PackageReference Include="OpenTAP" Version="$(OpenTapVersion)" />
When I build my project and check the project.assets.json file i don’t find the “System.ObjectModel” referenced anywhere. I think it isn’t referenced in my code or dependent nuget packages… unless it gets it automatically included because im targeting a net6.0-windows version… I tried to add the 'System.ObjectModel" nuget directly but that also didn’t work. Not sure why it wasn’t picked up. It could also be due to framework version compatibilty issues.
Here is the package part of the compile output. (i xxx out our custom packages, and remoted my email alias.)
FirstProject -> C:\Users\<my_alias>\git\OpenTapEval\bin\Release\FirstProject.dll
Multiple assemblies of different versions named Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces exists
Multiple assemblies of different versions named System.CodeDom exists
Satisfying assembly reference to OpenTap by adding dependency on package OpenTAP
Adding dependency on package 'OpenTAP' version 9.18.4+7dec4717
'FirstProject.dll' depends on 'xxxxx' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'FirstProject.dll' depends on 'xxxxx' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'FirstProject.dll' depends on 'xxxxx' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'xxxxx' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'TraceParser' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'Tools' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'SmartThreadPool' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET' version '10.0.18362.24'. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'ToolsWindowsOnly' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'SharpAvi' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'System.Management' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages .
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'WinRT.Runtime' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'xxxxx.dll' depends on 'SocketCommunication' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'TraceParser.dll' depends on 'ObjectDumping' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'ToolsWindowsOnly.dll' depends on 'Emgu.CV.Platform.NetStandard' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any oth er packages.
'ToolsWindowsOnly.dll' depends on 'System.Drawing.Common' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'ToolsWindowsOnly.dll' depends on 'System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'ToolsWindowsOnly.dll' depends on 'Emgu.CV.Bitmap' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'System.Management.dll' depends on 'System.CodeDom' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
'System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.dll' depends on 'System.Diagnostics.EventLog' version ''. Adding dependency to package, it was not found in any other packages.
Updated assembly version info using Mono method. [353 ms]
Package action IncludePackageDependencies completed [2.85 ms]
Package action FileHashPackageAction completed [108 ms]
Creating OpenTAP package.
Compressing [================ ] (54.12% | 13.12 MB of 24.24 MB)
Compressing [==============================] (100.00% | 24.24 MB of 24.24 MB)
OpenTAP plugin package 'FirstProject.0.2.0-alpha.TapPackage' containing 'FirstProject' successfully created.
Installed 'FirstProject' (C:\Users\<my_alias>\git\OpenTapEval\bin\Release\Packages\FirstProject\package.xml)
FirstProject.Tests -> C:\Users\<my_alias>\git\OpenTapEval\bin\Release\FirstProject.Tests.dll
Build succeeded.