You are at the max Int32 value, so it is rounding and using scientific notation. The units are seconds, so it is displaying 999.999 kiloseconds, which is an odd unit, but so is is a timeout of 68 years…
But why is it rounding? Parameter should be 1:1 what i insert or show an error is value is not possible.
Of course every normal user will never do this.
The same happens at the Lock Holf Off Parameter. If inserting a very long number then this number gets changed without any information.
It’s rounding and converting because they same controls are used for all numerical settings and there isn’t an explicit Rule check on those (Rules are what OpenTAP uses for validation):
No that is actually what the feature is intended for. It is only rounding because you are exceeding the Inst32 limits. But the Units is specifically for things like easily converting to GHz to make inputs more readable:
Ok. But Why does the Lock Off parameter has a different behaviour than the timeout parameter? Why is there no Red icon shown on the right side with an error?