Hi all,
We are in the evaluation of a new test platform for our production testing (PCB, assemblies, devices). Up to now we have used Keysight’s “TestExec” for many years.
In order to get a better and practical insight of the work with OpenTAB we are looking for someone / a company which has already implemented their Testsystems in OpenTAB and give us some practical insight on their experiences.
Any input or contact is very welcome!
@mijamin Welcome to the forum and the OpenTAP community! I think there are lots of people here that can share their experiences. If you haven’t found it, many people find this interview useful. @david-wsd is also on the forum:
@mijamin , we developed PTEM (PathWave Test Executives for Manufacturing test) based on PathWave Test Automation (OpenTap based), TestExec v8.2 and TS-5000. Maybe it could be interesting to have a look at this software?
Been helping companies implementing OpenTAP for 1-2 years now. Once you get over the initial learning curve (esp. if you like me come from non-C# environments) you will find OpenTAP very flexible and adaptable. The OpenTAP ‘philosophy’ may take some time to learn but is very powerful.
Thank you for your replies.
@brennen_direnzo Thanks for the link!
@pohchann I do understand that you are running TestExec for the test sequencer in your applications? Our main challenge will be to make the step from TestExec to a new platform, e.g. OpenTab. But it may be very helpful for our evaluation to get an input from you.
@GoranJohnsson That sounds very interesting as we are in the very same position today coming from TestExec. Would it be possible to get in contact with you?
@mijamin , TestExec has been ported to TAP. In another way, TestExec functionality on OpenTAP platform.
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@mijamin Yes, feel free to contact me. Email: goran.johnsson@gjc-testsoftware.se
@pohchann Can i get in contact with you for further informations about your experiences and how the work with PathWath and OpenTAP could look like?
@mijamin Sure and feel free to contact me @ poh-chang.ng@keysight.com. In short, TestExec functionality has been ported/redesigned as plugins that works under PathWave Test Automation (based on Open TAP).
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Hi @mijamin, welcome to the forum. We migrated our test executive to OpenTAP several years ago. But I honestly have one regret… not doing it sooner!
Time has proven that OpenTAP was the right decision for us. We saw immediate benefits, and continue to build up new capabilities that were previously just a pipe dream. Our application coverage has increased dramatically. I think this is all due to the highly extensible/scalable nature of OpenTAP.
Thank you very much for your information and offers to contact you @GoranJohnsson & @pohchann 
I will get in contact with you when internal discussions and decisions are growing.