OpenTAP provides the ability to provide user prompts from within the plugin code.
This can be asking a simple yes or no question or it can be asking for part details like a serial number etc.
For simple prompts
Use the built-in DialogStep which is part of the OpenTAP SDK.
You can provide a title
, message
, and a pre-defined choice of responses(Ok/Cancel
and Yes/No
For prompts showing custom inputs
Use the UserInput class provided by the OpenTAP SDK. When using the TAP editor, it shows up as a dialog, and when using the CLI, it automatically comes up as a user prompt.
The following code contains 2 examples.
- Prompt that asks the user to reset a DUT and confirm
- Prompt which asks the user to enter a DUT serial number.
public enum WaitForInputResult
// The number assigned determines the order in which the buttons are shown in the dialog.
Cancel = 2, Ok = 1
// This describes a dialog that asks the user to reset the DUT.
class ResetDutDialog
// Name is handled specially to create the title of the dialog window.
public string Name { get { return "DUT Reset"; } }
[Layout(LayoutMode.FullRow)] // Set the layout of the property to fill the entire row.
[Browsable(true)] // Show it event though it is read-only.
public string Message { get { return "Please reset the DUT. Click OK to confirm."; } }
[Layout(LayoutMode.FloatBottom | LayoutMode.FullRow)] // Show the button selection at the bottom of the window.
[Submit] // When the button is clicked the result is 'submitted', so the dialog is closed.
public WaitForInputResult Response { get; set; }
// This describes a dialog that asks the user to enter the serial number.
class EnterSNDialog
// Name is handled specially to create the title of the dialog window.
public string Name { get { return "Please enter serialnumber"; } }
// Serial number to be entered by the user.
[Display("Serial Number")]
public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
// This example shows how to use UserInput to get user input.
// In TAP GUI it appears as a dialog box. In TAP CLI the user is prompted.
[Display("User Input Example", Groups: new[] { "Examples", "Plugin Development", "GUI" },
Description: "This example shows how to use UserInput.")]
public class UserInputExample : TestStep
[Display("Use Timeout", "Enabling this will make the dialog close after an amount of time.", Group: "Timeout", Order: 1)]
public bool UseTimeout { get; set; }
[EnabledIf("UseTimeout", true)]
[Display("Timeout", "The dialog closes after this time.", Group: "Timeout", Order: 2)]
public double Timeout { get; set; }
public UserInputExample()
UseTimeout = true;
Timeout = 5;
Rules.Add(() => Timeout > 0, "Timeout must > 0s.", "Timeout");
public override void Run()
var timeout = UseTimeout ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Timeout) : TimeSpan.Zero;
// Dialog/prompt where user has option to select "OK" or "Cancel".
// The message/query is set by the Message property. Selection options are defined by WaitForInputResult.
var dialog = new ResetDutDialog();
UserInput.Request(dialog, timeout);
// Response from the user.
if (dialog.Response == WaitForInputResult.Cancel)
Log.Info("User clicked Cancel.");
Log.Info("User clicked OK. Now we prompt for DUT S/N.");
var snDialog = new EnterSNDialog();
// Dialog/prmpt where user has option to enter a string as DUT S/N
UserInput.Request(snDialog, timeout);
Log.Info("DUT S/N: {0}", snDialog.SerialNumber);
catch (TimeoutException)
Log.Info("User did not click. Is he sleeping?");