Just noticed a bunch of new plugins incl. several instrument “drivers” implemented as teststeps using SCPI commands. Can these be used from a custom teststep or is the idea to use them at “testplan level”?
I also noticed the (licensed) Switch Manager plugin, do you plan to announce/introduce this?
@GoranJohnsson glad you found these! For the instrument plugins, yes, these expose the SCPI interface of 700+ instruments as Test Steps. They are mainly to support simple instrument control within a Test Plan, but you would also be able to call the instrument driver from within a custom Test Step.
On the Switch Manager, this is a visual GUI on top of the existing connections interface, it is licensed, but it is included as part of the KS8400B license required for PathWave Test Automation Developer’s System.
We will be doing some broader announcement of these in upcoming Newsletters (Link for those not already subscribed
Excellent eyes @GoranJohnsson! Yes, lots of exciting capabilities for both the OpenTAP Community and the OpenTAP Ecosystem is around the corner!
Could you please directly link to the information when it makes it out? Thanks.
@mrjeffsmith the new instrument support is highlighted in our latest newsletter. Direct link to that here:
All of these instrument plugins are now available in the Package Repo
As for the Switch Manager, I would call it a soft rollout at this point, but look for more info on that soon.
The plugin can be downloaded from here:
Here is a GIF of it in action:
More info on Switch Manager is welcomed. The whole concept of Connections in OpenTAP seems rather complicated and not very documented. The fact the DUT/Instrument must have Port’s added (as I understand) I have not found in help/documentation (besides in examples).
Also, is it possible to use multiplexer switches or simple relay closures in Switch Manager (and not only matrix switches)?
@gordonong can you help @GoranJohnsson with some of his questions?
The Switch Manager basically wrap around the OpenTAP Connections concept and visualize it. The connection/paths that created in Switch Manager will shown in the Connections panel in the Editor Bench Settings.
Yes, you can use it for multiplexer and relay. Any kind of switch should work as long as you able to define OpenTAP ViaPoints and Ports for it. The latest release of Switch Manager (1.0.1) contains some example on how to use the Switch Manager APIs.