Is it possible to add void PublishTable(ResultTable table)
to the IResultSource
interface. I want my custom base step to return another interface to publish Results by hiding the base Results property.
Simplified example:
public abstract class ResultSourceDecorator : IResultSource
readonly IResultSource _resultSource;
public ResultSourceDecorator(IResultSource resultSource)
_resultSource = resultSource;
public interface IMyResultSource
void MyPublishMethodA(args);
void MyPublishMethodB(args);
public class MyResultSource : ResultSourceDecorator, IMyResultSource
// Contains a cache for creation of ResultTables, therefore:
// PublishTable(Resultable table) is the best/only option I can use.
void MyPublishMethodA(args)
ResultTable table = ... // create table from args
PublishTable(table) // => not defined in IResultSource
void MyPublishMethodB(args)
public abstract class MyBaseTestStep : TestStep
public new IMyResultSource Results => new MyResultSource(base.Results);
Hi @steve.vandenbussche,
Without understanding 100% what want to do… Could you do this by adding an extension method?
Hi @rolf_madsen
Most of my test steps publish results using the following class:
// simplified version
public class TestResult<T> : ITestResult where T : IConvertible
public string Name { get; set; }
public T Value { get; set; }
public string Condition { get; set; }
public string Verdict { get; set; }
Results contains a method: void Publish<T>(T result)
, which works for a single item and an array of items, but you cannot specify a name for the result table (it’s default the type name). Therefore I want to implement a new method: PublishTable<T>(string name, params T[] results)
, and hide the original one. I could use an extension method, maybe I’m making things to complex.
public void PublishTable<T>(string tableName, T[] results) where T : ITestResult
PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(T).GetProperties()
.Where(x => x.CanRead && typeof(IConvertible).IsAssignableFrom(x.PropertyType)).ToArray();
ResultColumn[] columns = new ResultColumn[props.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
Array columnData = Array.CreateInstance(props[i].PropertyType, results.Length);
for (int r = 0; r < results.Length; r++)
columnData.SetValue(props[i].GetValue(results[r]), r);
string columnName = props[i].GetCustomAttribute<DisplayAttribute>()?.Name ?? props[i].Name;
columns[i] = new ResultColumn(columnName, columnData);
PublishTable(new ResultTable(tableName, columns));
I think what you say makes sense, but again, it is probably easiest to do this with an extension method, but if you can wait until OpenTAP 9.23, I also encurage you to submit a pull request.
The affected code is here:
You’ll notice the code might be a bit more complicated than you’d initially think, but there are some performance considerations to think about.
In your case, I guess you could just copy the code for ToResultTable and then set the name afterwards.
Thanks for your reply.
I missed it
there is a method Publish<T>(string name, T result)
which does what I need. Maybe to much code the last days…
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