I have quite a few TestSteps that have [Output] parameters that I then connect to [Input] parameters.
For example a have a generic ‘Limits’ step that compares its input against high/low limits and sets the Verdict, Reports values to a Report Listener, etc.
This works well as long as I always use the same property type. Generally I use a double for this purpose even though an int would due just to allow the generic linking of Outputs to Inputs.
Where I have problems is if I am trying to use Steps that are not my own and may have Input or Output properties incompatible with my own.
The only thing I can think of to handle this is to add an Adapter step that would act as a proxy between the Outputs and Inputs. It would have to have an Input and Output parameter for every type I wanted to support and an [EnabledIf] that would enable the appropriate property based on an Enum of all the types. The Run implementation would do the conversion.
I’m Just wondering if there is a better way.
p.s. after looking a bit more I see this post which looks similar and similar solution.