TestStep Input / Output type conversion

I have quite a few TestSteps that have [Output] parameters that I then connect to [Input] parameters.
For example a have a generic ‘Limits’ step that compares its input against high/low limits and sets the Verdict, Reports values to a Report Listener, etc.

This works well as long as I always use the same property type. Generally I use a double for this purpose even though an int would due just to allow the generic linking of Outputs to Inputs.
Where I have problems is if I am trying to use Steps that are not my own and may have Input or Output properties incompatible with my own.

The only thing I can think of to handle this is to add an Adapter step that would act as a proxy between the Outputs and Inputs. It would have to have an Input and Output parameter for every type I wanted to support and an [EnabledIf] that would enable the appropriate property based on an Enum of all the types. The Run implementation would do the conversion.

I’m Just wondering if there is a better way.


p.s. after looking a bit more I see this post which looks similar and similar solution.

Actually, now it should automatically convert between numeric types (double, integers, …), but not string to number. Additionally, anything can be converted to a string.

If you want to convert a string to a number you can use a mixin as a stop in the path to converting it with an expression:
