The Run Program test step is not waiting for the process to finish, even though the Wait For Process to End option is turned on and the timeout is set to 60 seconds. It ends too early instead of waiting.
Hi @ratheesh,
What kind of program are you running? Some programs are just a launcher which starts another sub process.
Does it work if you run C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe?
Hi @rolf_madsen,
I attempted to run Notepad, but the test step stops even after Notepad is successfully opened. Additionally, the status is not updated to “fail” even after the timeout period has elapsed.
Got it, after testing a bit more I can reproduce the problem: RunProgram step not aborting after timeout occured · Issue #1855 · opentap/opentap · GitHub
Also, I noticed that the stop button works correctly, but the timeout does not. Can you verify that?