EditorX 1.6.1 not updating verdict view

After updating EditorX from version 1.5.0 to 1.6.1 I notice the Verdict is not always being updated in the view.

This is an example with EditorX 1.5.0 vs 1.6.1.
The image for 1.5.0 shows all steps that set a verdict updated in the view.
Editor X 1.6.1 is updating some Verdicts but not others in the view. The below view for EditorX is with me single stepping.
The Session Log does not show any indication of a problem when this happens.
I can find no pattern on which verdicts are updated and which are not.




Some thing probably related:

What I have tested so far are existing Test Plans I had that worked in 1.5.0.
I have not yet reproduced the problem using nothing but ‘Basic Steps’ delivered with open tap.

Even though there is no error or warning in the session log, I notice that the ‘Duration’ fields continue to increment even after the test has ended.

At other times, the test never seems to end in the view even though the Session Log shows it has ended. Pressing the Abort button has no effect when this happens.
I have to close/re-open EditorX to recover.

Also, after having the above problem and reverting to EditorX 1.5.0, I had to revert Runner as well to fix the problem, so the problem appears to be related to the Runner version.
Unfortunately, EditorX 1.6.1 requires Runner >=1.8.3+b203f3d8, so I could not test 1.6.1 with an older Runner version.

Whether related or not, I noticed that the response to enabling/disable steps using the checkbox on EditorX 1.6.1 is much more sluggish.


The problem appears with any steps that publish results.

Below is a minimal step that reproduces.
The Result is typical of what I am reporting in many of my steps.
If I set Delay to >~50ms or so, it works. Anything less and I see the problem.
Single stepping makes no differences. The delay has to be between the Results publish and the end of the test to make a difference.

using OpenTap;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class DebugStep : TestStep
    public int Delay {get; set;} = 0;
    public override void Run()
        Verdict = Verdict.Pass;
        Results.Publish(Name, new List<string>()
                {"Measured", "Limit Low", "Limit High", "Pass/Fail"}, 
                  1.0,        0.9,         1.1,          Verdict);

Shown is an example. The test completed almost immediately, but EditorX has not updated the view and unresponsive to the Abort.

Hi @wittrock,

Thanks for raising the issue.

I have opened an issue and will report back when there is an update.

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