EditorX community license startup error

Hello there!

I encountered this problem.

Is there anyone who can direct me or help me solve this problem please?

I tried to re-install without success.

I am attaching a Screenshot and the latest log file.

The line with the error is translated into English like this:

An object of type NJsonSchema.Converters.JsonInheritanceConverter cannot be cast to type Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter.

Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

Latest.txt (30.1 KB)

So i solved this problem by myself.
Here is explenation:

The problem was loading Newtonsoft.Json.
Because I have another application installed on my system that uses the same Newtonsoft.Json version of the library, the loading of the library was rerouted from another source (GAC or Global Assembly Cache) and loading the library using the GAC takes precedence over loading the library in the “Dependencies” folder of the Editor X.

So I needed to create a configuration file named "
Tap.exe.config" that I placed in the folder with “tap.exe” as shown in the image below:

This file contains these settings:

I’ll be glad if this investigation of my problem helps someone else. :slight_smile:
Have a nice day.


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