I have a number of enumeration with flags properties that require >32 elements.
Because of this, I declare the enums with an underlying type of long.
This has worked fine with OpenTap 9.23.1 and EditorX 1.5.0
After updating to OpenTap 9.26.1 and EditorX 1.6.1, I am now seeing an exception in NatsResultListener on any step that uses these enums.
Once the exception occurs, EditorX is unresponsive and I have to close and reopen .
A minimum step to reproduce is below. Running this step with FlagsEnum set to Bit30 works. Running it with FlagsEnum set to Bit32 causes the exception.
using OpenTap;
using System;
public class DebugStep : TestStep
public enum MyEnumFlags : ulong
Bit30 = 1L<<30,
Bit32 = 1L<<32
public MyEnumFlags FlagsEnum {get; set;}
public override void Run()
12:56:25.124 TestPlan "DebugStep" started.
12:56:25.124 TestPlan Error during Test Step Run Start for NatsResultListener
12:56:25.128 TestPlan OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at System.Convert.ThrowInt32OverflowException()
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at System.Convert.ToInt32(UInt64 value)
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at System.UInt64.System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider)
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at System.Convert.ToInt32(Object value)
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at System.Enum.System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider)
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at System.Convert.ToInt32(Object value)
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at OpenTap.RPCBase.DataTransferObjects.Parameter.Populate(ResultParameter para)
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at OpenTap.Runner.Session.NatsResultListener.<>c.<CreateParameters>b__11_0(ResultParameter s)
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.ToList()
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at OpenTap.Runner.Session.NatsResultListener.a(ResultParameters A_0)
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at OpenTap.Runner.Session.NatsResultListener.OnTestStepRunStart(TestStepRun stepRun)
12:56:25.130 TestPlan at OpenTap.TestPlanRun.<>c__DisplayClass54_0.<AddTestStepRunStart>b__0(IResultListener listener)
12:56:25.130 TestPlan Exception caught at:
12:56:25.132 TestPlan at Void <AddTestStepRunStart>b__0(OpenTap.IResultListener)
12:56:25.132 TestPlan at Void <AddArg>b__0(T, T2)
12:56:25.132 TestPlan at Void Invoke(T, T2)
12:56:25.132 TestPlan at Void Invoke()
12:56:25.132 TestPlan ...
12:56:25.132 TestPlan Removing faulty ResultListener 'NatsResultListener'
12:56:25.132 TestPlan "DebugStep" completed. [8.45 ms]
12:56:25.133 TestPlan Test step runs finished. [8.85 ms]
12:56:25.133 Summary ----- Summary of test plan started 10/23/2024 12:56:25 -----
12:56:25.133 Summary DebugStep 8.45 ms
12:56:25.133 Summary ------------------------------------------------------------
12:56:25.133 Summary ------ Test plan completed successfully in 18.4 ms ------
Unfortunately, getting rid of the long enums would require a lot of changes to many test steps I already have. I have not been able to find any work around.
I tried downgrading the ‘NATS Server’ but EditorX 1.6.1 requires the latest NATS Server so no luck.
PS: The same problem occurs even without the [Flags].