Parameterized Sweep step with differnt ranges for each parameter


Is there way to sweep a set of parameters in different ranges using the Sweep Range/Sweep Step. For example:
Var1 → 0 - 5,
Var2 → 5 - 10,
Var3 → 2 - 20

Furthermore, is there a way to generate random value for a parameter?


Hi @cliff,

Maybe the easiest would be to use expressions for this?

Here I’ve created ‘I’ as a iterator variable and then assigned different expressions for A, B and C.


1 : 15 102 3
2 : 25 104 6
3 : 35 106 9
4 : 45 108 12
5 : 55 110 15
6 : 65 112 18

As for random parameters, it is actually possible to extend the expressions system, so you can make a noise(X) function to generate pseudo random values based on some variable , or just a random() function.

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