Running new project from template: binding expression error

I just created a new project from the OpenTAP plugin template (.NET standard). I am trying to run the template code as it should create a simple teststep that does nothing. However, when I run, I can see it start an instance of the test automation, but then it crashes. I have not modified anything.

Here is the relevant error message:

System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'DraggedStep' property not found on 'object' ''TestPlanGrid' (Name='x')'. BindingExpression:Path=DraggedStep.Name; DataItem='TestPlanGrid' (Name='x'); target element is 'TextBlock' (Name='ad'); target property is 'Text' (type 'String')

I have the current version of OpenTAP, and I was able to successfully run the examples in the SDK package.

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@eric.harrison I think that error may be expected. Can you send send the OpenTAP Session Log (In the SessionLogs directory) from your build Output directory?

And just to be clear, are you able to launch the Editor.exe from your install directory outside of Visual Studio?

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I agree because I have seen it before and it does work. However, I don’t know why else I am seeing this behavior. The test automation will attempt to start up (I see the start menu) but it closes before I can see the complete editor.

Here’s the log. The last line says error that community edition editor has expired. I should have the most recent version. Package manager says I have 9.14.1.

SessionLog 2021-06-23 12-47-52.txt (7.3 KB)

Yep. I can run it as expected. I can even run it inside visual studio for a different project (the examples provided in the sdk package).

It looks like you updated OpenTAP, but not the full Community Edition. At one point in time the Community Edition was only set to last for 1 year, but that restriction has since been removed. If you look at the versions installed, you still have some 9.10 versions:

2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.14.0+51e7081e of OpenTap.dll
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.14.0+51e7081e of OpenTap.Plugins.BasicSteps.dll
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.10.0+ce1f8303 of Keysight.OpenTap.Wpf.dll
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.14.0+51e7081e of OpenTap.Package.dll
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.10.0+ce1f8303 of PackageManager.exe
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.10.0+ce1f8303 of Editor.exe
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 0.1.0-Development of OpenTap.Plugins.Lab4.3.dll
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.10.1+cb7f7c7a of Csv.dll
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.10.0+ce1f8303 of ResultsViewer.exe
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.10.0+ce1f8303 of RunExplorer.exe
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.10.0+ce1f8303 of Keysight.OpenTap.CommunityEditionPopup.dll
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 1.0.0 of OpenTap.OSIntegration.Windows.dll
2021-06-23 12:47:52.053024 ; PluginManager ; Debug ; Found version 9.10.4+739ebc1b of OpenTap.Sdk.New.dll

To fix this, you can either run:
tap package install "Developer's System CE" -y
You will then have to create a new project (easier than updating the dependencies since it is blank).

Or you can install the commercial version from here and get a license:

You’re right about my version number, but whenever I make a new project, it still defaults it 9.10. I ran the command you suggested, but it keeps happening. I uninstalled and then reinstalled OpenTAP but it did nothing. I am able to upgrade the dependency inside visual studio, but that doesn’t resolve the issue.

When I try to upgrade the version to 9.14, I get a build error.

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	MSB4062	The "Keysight.OpenTap.Sdk.MSBuild.InstallOpenTapPackages" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\Users\ericharr\.nuget\packages\opentap\9.14.0\build\\Keysight.OpenTap.Sdk.MSBuild.dll.  Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.	OpenTap.Plugins.Lab4	C:\Users\ericharr\.nuget\packages\opentap\9.14.0\build\OpenTap.targets	94	

On a related note, for the csv package, which is required, it only have a 9.10 version. Nothing newer.

It seems like something is not getting fully updated so everything is being regenerated with the old version.

I would actually run the tap package install outside your build directory, just in your normal Test Automation directory. That will for the SDK to be updated, and give you new project templates.

For CSV, that makes sense. It hasn’t been updated recently so the latest is 9.10.


After uninstalling the VS sdk in file explorer, it did not resolve it. You have to ensure that you uninstall the extension through the visual studio extension user interface itself. Make sure to remove all instances of the visual studio SDK. We believe this issue stemmed from a version 9.10 of the visual studio extension. If you run the OpenTAP uninstaller, then it may not remove 9.10 version. This is why you must remove in inside visual studio extension panel.

Rerun the pathwave test automation installer (link above) to install the visual studio sdk. When you rerun, you can overwrite the old installation.

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