Statistics for OpenSource Projects

Statistics for OpenSource Projects

As we previously announced Taking the Pulse of the OpenTAP Ecosystem. We want to add statistics to visualize installation count for OpenTAP packages, including the OpenTAP package itself.

With the release of the Package Repository version 3.8 we have added statistics for any open-source packages. Now it’s possible for the community to keep track of the adoption of available packages as well as your own contributed packages.

Currently we only show statistics for open-source packages. We define a open-source package as any package with a SourceUrl in their package.xml.
We have added 3 different types of available statistics:

  • Installation - Show a graph of all minor versions of a package and how many installations have been active with the package installed each month. Use this graph to find the most popular version of a package.
  • Installation (version specific) - Shows a graph of a specific version of a package and how many installation with the package installed have been active each month. You can use this graph to see how popular a specific version of a package is.
  • Downloads (version specific) - Shows how many times a specific version of a package is being downloaded each month. You can use this graph to see how many people use your package, this could be a dependency for some other package.

Below is the installations of the TUI package:

Have a look on to see the new statistics.

Best Regards,
The OpenTAP Team


@stefan.holst this is really cool! I like the version overlays for plugins like OpenTAP, that shows the version adoption overtime:

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Really exciting @stefan.holst! This a great way for contributors to track their impact in the OpenTAP community and ecosystem.

And love that the :chart_with_upwards_trend::bar_chart: are integrated right into the Package Repo. Very nice work to all involved.

And while you’re at it…don’t forget to #CheckOutTheTUI


@stefan.holst it looks like all graphs ends with a downtrend - I guess it is because the last months is still being counted. Would it be an idea to only show up to the last month and not show the current month?

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Very cool, team. Great to see adoption metrics built into the package manager!


Installations trend upward after a new version is released then level off or even taper off. The latest version download stats, by contrast, have an upward slope. Installation will always trail download by some finite but unbounded amount of time.

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Welcome to the OpenTAP Forum @sid_inamdar!