Update of OpenTap Editor also via packagemanager?

in the editor i can open the Packagemanager to install/uninstall/update plugins. How do i know that there is an update available for opentap itself or the editor? Is there then also an info in the packagemanager?
Something like Help + “Check for updates” is not available in editor (like in some other windows-programs,


If you have a plugin that is out of date, you will an orange ! in the Package Manager:

A new version being available will also be written in the log.

If the Editor itself has a new version available you will see an ! next to the version in the top right corner of the main Editor window.


I tried to reproduce the orange symbol by these steps:
-I have Demonstration plugin 9.0.3 installed (newest version)
-Then i switched to an older version 9.0.1
-But the Package Manager does not get the orange symbol here.

-Also in your screenshot the Demonstration plugin is at version 9.0.2 - why is it not orange i 9.0.3 is available?

The check only applies to released versions. 9.0.3 is actually a beta for the Demonstration plugin:

If you just changed your plugin version, you may need to restart the package manager for it to update. The check is done based on the Packages Repositories pointed to in Package Manager > Settings with the main one being packages.opentap.io

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Ok, this makes sense thats its not working for Beta versions.
By installing an older DMM version immediately get the orange symbol.

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Is it recommended practice to update the Editor or other Keysight packages via Package Manager?

My practice has always been this:
I only update internally developed plugins from the Package Manager. For updating TAP, I’ve been been downloading the full TestAutomation installer from Keysight.

Curious if I should be doing it differently.

Generally, it is best to update either from the full installer or from the Package Manager by updating the “Developer System” package (either commercial or community edition version). This ensures you get all the other required components. But if there is specific fix on a patch version it is safe to update just the individual Editor.

Cool, thanks. I’ll try that out next time.

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Today the log says that here is an update 9.10 but in the Package manager is no orange symbol and also in the dropdown is the last version 9.3.9
I found then the update in tha Package “OpenTAP”

This is because OpenTAP releases separately (but closely related) to the Developer System. There will be a 9.10 release for Developer System in the next week.

The check in the log is for all plugins in the Repo.

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