Using Command Expert with OpenTAP

A free Command Expert plugin is provided here at
Once installed, you can find the usage documentation in the <tap installation path>/CommandExpertHelp.chm file

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Here’s a helpful tutorial on Command Expert!


when tried the command expert. The test step reports an error :" 14:49:34.845 TestStep Failed to create teststep from sequence file: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: path1"
The command is very simple only with a “CLS” command.
Could anyone tell me how to use this correctly? thanks

@hongbo.huo can you share your configuration in Command Expert and your Test Plan? Attached is doc that shows more detail on how to use the Command Expert plugin.
OpenTAP Training 3 - Non-Programmer Lab.pdf (1.9 MB)

@brennen_direnzo It’s win7 32bit computer, commandexpert version was 1.8, openTap version was 9.15. I tried win10+command expert 1.9+ openTap 9.15. This works perfectly.
Maybe command expert version 1.8 was too old

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Yes, my next suggestion was going to be make sure you have the latest version of Command Expert. I believe 1.9 is required.

@kaushik.santhanam same error msg i am also getting
Failed to create Test step from Sequence File: value cannot be null .Parameter name: Path1,

i installed latest version of Command Expert 1.10.50.

Suggest me how to resolve this error.