A free Command Expert plugin is provided here at https://packages.opentap.io/index.html#/?name=CommandExpert
Once installed, you can find the usage documentation in the <tap installation path>/CommandExpertHelp.chm
when tried the command expert. The test step reports an error :" 14:49:34.845 TestStep Failed to create teststep from sequence file: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: path1"
The command is very simple only with a “CLS” command.
Could anyone tell me how to use this correctly? thanks
@hongbo.huo can you share your configuration in Command Expert and your Test Plan? Attached is doc that shows more detail on how to use the Command Expert plugin.
OpenTAP Training 3 - Non-Programmer Lab.pdf (1.9 MB)
@brennen_direnzo It’s win7 32bit computer, commandexpert version was 1.8, openTap version was 9.15. I tried win10+command expert 1.9+ openTap 9.15. This works perfectly.
Maybe command expert version 1.8 was too old
Yes, my next suggestion was going to be make sure you have the latest version of Command Expert. I believe 1.9 is required.
@kaushik.santhanam same error msg i am also getting
Failed to create Test step from Sequence File: value cannot be null .Parameter name: Path1,
i installed latest version of Command Expert 1.10.50.
Suggest me how to resolve this error.