Hi Everyone ,
This is probably a basic question, more to do with C# then Opentap.
I have built a custom GUI with Visual Studio , my blocker at the moment is how to add any existing plugins (i.e. OpenTap.Plugins.Demo.Battery) and how to debug any new or added plugins.
I don’t think this is a basic question It depends a lot on what kind of user experience you are going for.
The easiest is to develop it as an ICliAction. This way you can start it by calling “tap.exe my-gui” and this ensures that everything gets loaded correctly up.
If you want to start it is a standalone executable or as a part of an existing application things gets a bit more complicated. You’d have to define when and where to do plugin search, manage the working directory, etc. The examples does contain some info on that: opentap/Program.cs at main · opentap/opentap · GitHub