Demonstration Source Code Location

I’m just getting started. I ran the Demonstration package (tap package test Demonstration) and it worked, except for steps requiring a license. When I opened DemonstrationAllSteps.TapPlan in Pathwave Test Automation community editor I got errors such as
unable to locate type 'OpenTap.Plugins.Demo.Battery.ChargeStep'. Are you missing a plugin?
There’s no directory named this way in the installation tree, nor in the github repository.
Because it ran I assume that all these errored packages are compiled into the Demonstration package. It would be very helpful to have the Demonstration source as an example to learn how to code an automated test using OpenTap

Who knew that there’s both a github and gitlab opentap repository. Gitlab is the ticket: OpenTAP / Plugins / Demonstration · GitLab Found this out using tap package show Demonstration

Hi @btribley and welcome to the forum!

We used to use gitlab for hosting the code, but since moved it to Github:

However, to load the test plan you just need the Demonstration plugin installed. You can install that with the plugin manager.

Hi @rolf_madsen,
Some things were left out. The gitlab instance has the source code, github just has the compiled OpenTAP objects. I already ran the demo app. I need to write plugins for our systems here then integrate them. I’m still not on top of it all; the templates provided in the C# project are oversimplified and the interfaces seem incomplete. For example, there are custom methods for everything except open/close in the battery object. If I want to standardize it looks like I need to write to a SCPI interface. I haven’t found the source for that yet, although I haven’t tried too hard since it’s a little premature.
Thank you for your prompt response,

Hi @btribley,

The demonstration project is mostly meant as a demonstration from an end user perspective, so there is a bunch of simulation going on which you would not implement in an actual test solution.

Normally, you only use the SCPI when dealing with instruments that communicate via that.

If its a battery the interface would probably look a bit different. Like, I guess, a serial connection or none at all if its just a cell.

Standardization is usually done through some C# interfaces.

Understood. But why would source code in gitlab not be in github? Did I miss something? Having the source to a working demonstration helps new developers come up to speed with the product.

Ok, so I can see the Demonstration plugin code on github, without even being logged in. Maybe you somehow get the wrong view of it?

Can you access this URL? Demonstration/Battery/ChargeStep.cs at main · opentap/Demonstration · GitHub

Hi Rolf,
Yes. I don’t know where I was looking. Thank you for sending the link.
Best regards,

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