It cannot be installed using a package manager or cli(tap package install).
After unzipping the package file, I completed installing and executing “pathwave license manager”.
However, when registering the license file, an error code -1027 occurs.
I can’t tell what the error description is because it doesn’t look right as shown in the picture below.
If you know anything about this, please help.
Hi @tetris and welcome to the forum!
Since you bought a Keysight product and have problems with licensing then it might be better to seek help from a Keysight representative - you might have to disclose some private information in order to get help with this issue, so an open forum might not be the best place.
You can try to set the environment variable OPENTAP_LICENSE_VERBOSE_LOG=true to get some more information out in the log.
What kind of license do you have?
Hi rolf_madsen!
The license I have is free trial.
The license I have is free trial.
I am currently resolving this issue through email and phone with Korean staff.
If the problem is not resolved, I will contact you again.
Best regards.